Heading into DarknessAs the darkness seems to take over as we march towards Solstice, I for the last five years go on Silent Meditation retreat– with a group...
ScarcityWe are most afraid of losing what is inherently true for us as embodied beings, love, friendship, connection. In yoga we call this...
In the DarkMy teacher Lee says, change and transformation happen in the dark and in silence– I’ve been contemplating that lately. I can relate it to...
Ratings Rankings and RitualBefore I teach, I chant to Yogi, I ask that my words hold weight enough to open without sounding redundant. I ask that my students are...
The Critics VoiceI’m working on Certification of Anusara Yoga— it is making me a crazy neurotic do not know anything what the hell am I doing— person. I...
A Critical VoiceBasic goodness, that is how we are born, without question we are birthed by joy. Judgement is not how we were born, judgement is our...
We are here and now- living life “as it is.”My teacher writes, AS IT IS, I read AS IT IS, and everyday I am amazed that I am accepted my right now, my AS IT IS, my 10,000 thoughts,...